Saturday, February 8, 2025
HomeCategoriesFrom the facultyWinner Herta Macht Thesis Prize 2019

Winner Herta Macht Thesis Prize 2019

The jury for the Herta Macht Master Thesis Prize has selected Carlo Leonardi as
the winner of the 2019 prize. Awarded annually since 2006, this will be the last
time the Herta Macht prize will be awarded.

The Herta Macht prize is given to the best Masters thesis in the field of cultural
geography broadly defined submitted to a university in The Netherlands. The
prize, which was sponsored by Associate Professor Bettina van Hoven and named
after her grandmother, was established to promote greater awareness of cultural
and social aspects within geography and spatial sciences.

Carlo Leonardi’s thesis, “Experiencing the Post-Mining Wonder: Reclaiming a
new purpose for post-mining landscapes in the Quadrilatero Ferrifero (MG),
Brazil” was undertaken through the Chairgroup Landscape Architecture at
Wageningen University.

The judges were particularly impressed by the innovative nature of his thesis on
landscape reclamation. They considered it was an interesting topic, with strong
fieldwork, that was innovative, creatively presented, and well written.

In 2019, nine Masters theses were submitted, and four shortlisted for intensive
examination by the jury, which comprised Ilse van Liempt, Mark Sekuur, Huib
Ernste and Frank Vanclay.

For more information including a short summary of the thesis, please visit:

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